
Paddlers Cove Interior Design by Tyler Interiors


August 3, 2022

By far one of my favorite interior photography projects, Paddlers Cove featured a lovely design by Natalie Tyler of Tyler Interiors. This home is located down in South Carolina, so it was a bit of drive, but it was worth every mile.

I actually came across this project with the help of another photographer. At the time, I was wanting some good branding photos for my business but I was also pregnant with my second baby. I was trying to get photos in before baby started showing too much. With the help of Julia Fay of Julia Fay Photography we were able to line up my own branding session in this amazing home. I actually traded interior photos to “rent” the home out!

Interior Photography Phase

We started focusing in on the kitchen. I love photographing kitchens because there are just so many details that can stand out in a single photo.

I do think it’s important to see how in each shot of the kitchen, we had different props on the island. It always amazes me how a simple angle change can make one piece work better than another!

Beside the kitchen we had a modern dining area. I personally loved the pieces she chose.

Hands down, the best spot in the house was the living room. Natalie had designed it to perfection, making my job of photographing a breeze. When looking at this artwork I can’t help but admire that rich teal color! If I hadn’t already developed my brand, I’d be tempted to use these as a basis for my color palette.

The Branding Phase

Once we had nailed down our favorite photo of the space, it was time to focus on me! I’m not going to lie, I felt like fish out of water on this one. I prefer to be behind the camera rather than in front. But with the help of my photographer, we got some pretty great results.

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meet krista

I’m a Jesus loving mom of two with an eye for beautiful things. When I was a kid, I always wanted to grow up to “make things” and that’s exactly what I did.

I started out as an interior designer with a side passion for
photography. Over time, I began to find more and more joy from my work behind the camera. Once I made the jump full time, there was no turning

I now have a team of photographers that work with Real Estate Agents, Interior Designers, and Builders creating internet worthy media while also sharing with others how I do it!

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